House Sterling

"Of salt, silver, and storm."

Duke Antony Maritime Sterling the Third

Antony's ProfileDetails
TitleBusiness Man | Stern Father
Pronouns / OrientationHe / Him | Heterosexual
AgeEarly 60s
Height / Body6'8" | Beefy, Muscular
Hair / EyesSalt & Pepper | Coffee (Brown)

Eldest of two sons of the Sterling House, Antony grew up working for his father’s company. In his early years he was fascinated by treasure hunting. He sailed with a Dwarven crew that sailed around the coast of Northrend for a year dredging up shipwrecks and searching for treasure maps. Spelunking was a favorite pastime until he came back to Kul Tiras and his father told him it was time to get to work. And that he did.
If it needs taking care of, Antony Sterling gets it done. This captain of industry’s motto is ‘Work Hard, Play Hard’. He’s the president of Sterling & Sons Shipping Company and underground mafia boss of one of the big five Kul Tiran gang families. Antony doesn’t “do” work-life balance, his work is built into every aspect of his life. Constantly traveling in his topsail schooner, the Goldenrod, Antony is wheeling and dealing with nobles. Antony’s love and bane are his unruly children, but the tides are about to turn.

» Nobles looking to rub shoulders– Antony is a known huntsman and older bachelor.
» Budding business owners might find Antony a willing investment partner. (With a high interest rate, possibly including kneecaps.)
» Legitimate or shady dealers may be interested in his imports and exports business.
» What a nice old man who loves his family.



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Duchess Janewen Rachella Sterling

Janewen's ProfileDetails
TitleSharpshooter | Inquisitor
Pronouns / OrientationShe / They | Bisexual
AgeMid 50s
Height / Body5'4" | Stocky + Strong
Hair / EyesAsh Blonde | Bronze (Brown)

Believed to be dead.

» Text here.



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Antonye Maritime Sterling

Tony's ProfileDetails
TitleFlamecaster | Buccaneer
Pronouns / OrientationShe / Her | Lesbian
Height / Body5'5" | Petite
Hair / EyesChampagne Blonde | Cocoa (Brown)

First born to the industrious House Sterling, Antonye has always taken the road less traveled. To her dismay, the reputation of her affluent gangster father has always preceded her. One day the temperamental Tidesage will write her name on the face of the world… be that for better or worse. For now, this headstrong daughter has set forth to carve out a life for herself from the wreckage of her privilege, leaving smoke on the water in her wake. Refusing to take over her father’s company, she instead trained by the sages in the Shrine. After gaining her mantle she took up work to thwart her father with his business competition, Ashvane Trading Company. Studying flamecasting in Tol Dagor. Due to heavy gambling debts and her father’s influence, she’s the begrudging captain of one of Sterling & Sons Shipping Company’s best ships, The Sea Wolf. This fiery captain isn’t above piracy and won’t let anything stand in her way.

» A Kul Tiran noble would recognize Antonye from years of growing up in the public eye as a noblewoman.
» Kul Tiran criminals probably know her father is one of the big five mob bosses of Boralus. And that she’s thought to be the one who will take over for him.
» Tidesages who attended the Shrine before the great schism would recognize her as an initiate Tideguard.
» Gamblers would recognize her from often frequenting underground casinos in Drustvar, Boralus, and various ports around the world.
» Pirates might know her as a rich noblewoman with more money than sense, always trying to land the more discreet pirating work.



Mereily Alder Sterling

Meri's ProfileDetails
TitleHarlequin Herald | The Fool
Pronouns / OrientationThey / Them / All | Monosexual
Height / Body6'3" | Lanky, Polymorphic, Genderfluid
Hair / EyesPlatinum Blonde | Clear

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» Darkmoon Faire workers will recognize them as a headliner ringmaster.
» A popular messenger for Kul Tiran gangs and the Steamwheedle Cartel.
» For hire to anyone who needs to send a message– for the right price.
» Platonic matters. Never underestimate the power of friendship.
» Romanceable. Slow burns and drama.



Remwen Melina Sterling

Remmy's ProfileDetails
TitleReliquary Keeper for the Shrine of the Storm
Pronouns / OrientationShe / Her | Bisexual
Height / Body6'6" | Statuesque, Hollow
Hair / EyesGolden Blonde | Smokey Topaz (Brown)

(Under Construction)

» Text here



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Rachelye Niramay Sterling

May's ProfileDetails
TitleConfessor | Perfumist
Pronouns / OrientationShe / Her | Greyromantic
Height / Body5'6" | Midsize
Hair / EyesBrunette | Russet (Brown)

Believed to be dead.

» Text here



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Rhyvre Argo Sterling

Rhy's ProfileDetails
TitleGolden Boy | Nepo Baby
Pronouns / OrientationHe / Him | Homosexual
Height / Body5'10"
Hair / EyesDirty Blonde | Raw Umber (Brown)

(Under Construction)

» Text here



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House Sterling is a relatively new noble house in Kul Tiras. Proudly established three generations prior by Duke Antony Sterling the First. Duke Sterling was awarded his noble title in honor for using his modest fleet of commercial ships to aid the Admiralty. Since then, House Sterling has served Kul Tiras and the Alliance by providing excellent imports and exports from around the globe. In Kul Tiras, Sterling Shipping & Sons Company is a household name, known mostly for their tea and tobacco importing.Properties Owned
- Saltforge Keep (Stormsong Valley, Destroyed)
- Sterling Summit (Between Plunder Harbor and Wailing Tideway)
- Sterling Ranch (Redridge)
- Sterling Fields (Stranglethorn)
The Sea Wolf
This ship is one of the finer vessels among the Sterling & Sons Shipping Company. Owned by Duke Augustus Sterling and his son Rhy Sterling, the enterprise is a household name across the Alliance. They are famous for exporting tea, cigars, and artillery with rumors of less-than-reputable dealings among artifact traders and arms dealers. Crates with their official stamp are often seen in Stormwind Harbor and at multiple businesses in the city, including Volumes & Vellums, the bookstore run by Lady Sery Shadowstorm. The Sea Wolf is captained by Antonye Sterling. Ship Details »